
Posts Tagged ‘Michael Jackson’

(no subject) by Jim Magee, Vol. I

March 24, 2010 Leave a comment

Every now and then, an email from Jim Magee pops up in my inbox.  Most of the time he’s sending some sort of a list or some other writing project he’s working on at the time.  A lot of times however, I simply just get an email that says (no subject) in the title line.  This title is clearly a lie because most of the time the email does, in fact, have a subject.  What it doesn’t have, though, is an author who feels like he needs to tell you what his email about, probably because he believes that his words speak for themselves.  I feel like I need to do something to honor this annoying trend.

Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you the first installment of (no subject) by Jim Magee:

A couple of decades ago this country was given someone who was taken as a baby and told that he had to sing and dance in order to make people happy.  So he did.  And people were happy because of him.

In response to that effort, the country accused him of touching little children.

After he was found innocent of this accusation, he tried to make people happy again.  But nobody would listen this time.

And he eventually passed out.